Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac- too big to fail?
It looks very confirmed that FNM & FRE will get Government Bail Out. It is gonna be really ugly, if that happens. US Government already has too much spending & unstoppable rapidly growing money supply and now about 5 Trillion Dollar bail out. Fed is gonna print more money to do that. Federal Reserve has already printed about 4 trillion in last three years. Once all those money go into circulation, too many dollars will decrease the purchasing power big time & inflation will kick in at faster rate. Lehman Brother is on it's way to become another Bear Sterns. Very few signs from Fed to raise rates by end of year. May be bottom will come faster than expected.
Money Supply
What is this MZM, M1, M2, M3?
Consumer Price Index- InflationCurrent Account Balance
Commercial Banks CreditIn conclusion,
- Bad news for US Dollar, US Tax Payers & Global Equity Market.
- Good news for EUR, AUD, GOLD, JPY, CHF, SILVER, OIL.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis