Spare me a quadrillion – only in a land of zeros

"1,000,000,000,000,000. That’s right, a quadrillion is a thousand trillion. These are the numbers Zimbabweans have to deal with when going about fairly modest everyday transactions. The sad truth is that hyperinflation is just one of the many items the country’s despotic ruler, Robert Mugabe, can list on his bio. 

The check below, drawn on the MBCA bank in Zimbabwe, has just crossed my path. It is for Z$1.072 quadrillion which, as far as I can establish, equates to about US$27, but that is a rapidly moving target. Adding “only” to the amount in words and the “00″ cents to the figures must be a matter of habit! 

The check is dated July 23, just prior to the Zim dollar having had 10 zeros cut off on August 1. But don’t hold your breath for an end to the erosion of the currency value, at least not while crazy Bob is calling the shots."

